29 März 2011

Am Wochenende war ich erst im Gleis, dann mit Freunden
bei Julius und Sonntag bei Marvin. Von dem Abend bei Ju-
lius gibts noch Fotos; hier erstmal eins von seiner bezaubernd
fetten Katze Miku. Ich gucke jetzt Skins weiter, vielleicht hab
ich später noch Zeit die anderen Bilder hochzuladen.
ich hoffe euer Wochenende war ähnlich entzückend, xx

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23 März 2011

Der ist enorm cool

17 März 2011

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ich bin die Zahnspange los! 

15 März 2011

ein kleiner wunsch meinerseits

12 März 2011


gut, dass so gutes Wetter ist und ich zu krank bin, rauszugehen

09 März 2011

tee ist sexy ♥ 


1. Are you single - no (:
2. Are you happy - yes
3. Are you bored – a bit
4. Are you naked - no
5. Are you a blonde - no
6. Are you moody – sometimes
7. Are you a lover/hater - more lover than hater
8. Are you hot/cold - don't no, maybe... warmish? 
9. Are you Irish - no
10. Are you Asian - no


1. Name – Kieara
2. Nicknames – Kiki
3. Any birth marks - no
4. Hair color – dark brown
5. Natural hair color - "
6. Eye color - "
7. Height - 1,72
8. Mood - all right
9. Favorite colour – black/white/silver/gold/grey
10. One Place You Want to Visit - New York, London, Brazil


1. Do you believe in love at first sight – no
2. Do you believe in soul mates - didnt think about it yet
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - yes
5. Have you ever broke someone’s heart? -not sure
6. Ever had your heart broken? - yes?
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? - yes
8. Are you afraid of commitment? - NO
9. Who was the last person you hugged? - Thilo
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? - Marvin


1. Love or lust - love
3. Cats or dogs – cats
4. A few best friends or many regular friends - a few best
5. Television or internet - internet
6. Chinese Or Indian - /
7. Wild night out or romantic night in – Wild night 
8. Money or Happiness - happiness 
9. Night or day - night
10. Msn or phone - msn


1. Been caught sneaking out – dont know
2. Been skinny dipping - unfortunately no
3. Bungee jumped – no 
4. Finished an entire jaw breaker – yes
5. Lied to someone you liked – yes
6. Wanted an ex bf/gf back – yes
8. Cried yourself to sleep? - yes
9. Cried because you lost a pet – yes
10. Wanted to disappear – yes


1. Smile or eyes - smile
2. Light or dark hair – light
3. Hugs or kisses - both
4. Shorter or taller – taller
5. Intelligence or attraction – both
6. Romantic or spontaneous - spontaneous
7. Funny or serious - depends
8. Older or Younger - older
9. Outgoing or quiet - outgoing; but quiet is okay
10. Sweet or Bad Ass – sweet


1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - not really
2. Ever been on a cheerleading team – no
3. Ever Been on a dance team - yes
4. Ever been on a sports team - yes
5. Ever been in a drama play/production - yes
6. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - of course, who didnt
7. Ever been in a rap video? - is The Outcas rap?


1. Last phone call you made - Janice
2. Last person you hung out with - Marvin
4. Last time you worked – today
5. Last person you tackled – /
6. Last person you IM’d - Marvin, I think
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with - Marvin
9. Last thing you missed – Marvin :D
10. Last thing you ate - soup


1. Sleep beside you? - Marvin again
2. See you cry? – Marvin... again
3. You went out to dinner with? - don't know, Marvin probably. :D
4. You talked on the phone to? - Janice
5. Made you laugh? - Grandma 


1. Pierce your nose or tongue? - tounge
2. Be serious or be funny? - funny
3. Drink whole or skim milk? - whole!
4. Spend time with your parents or enemies? - hah, parents; wish I could sometimes


1. Simple or complicated? - complicated
2. Retarded? - a little


1. Flowers or candy? - candy, man
2. Gray or black? - black
3. Colour or Black and white photos? - coloured
4. Sunrise or sunset? - sunset
5. Staying up late or waking up early? - late, pretty late


1. Do you like anyone? - yes
2. Do they know it? - yes


1. Sun or moon? - sun, when it makes the weather warmer 
2. Winter or Summer? - summer!!!
3. Left or right? - right
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? - two best friends
5. Sun or rain? - sun
6. Vanilla or chocolate ice cream? - cant decide


1. Nervous Habits? - i think no
2. Are you double jointed? - not at all
3. Can you twist your tongue around and roll it? - both at the same time? I can do each, but not both at the same time
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? - yes
5. Can you cross your eyes? - not very good
6. Do you make your bed daily? - not daily, no


1. Which shoe goes on first? - right one
2. Ever thrown something at someone? - yes
3. On average, how much money do you carry with you? - 20 Euro
4. What jewellery do you wear? - rings, necklaces and earrings
5. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? - cut 
6. Have you ever eaten Spam? - uäh, no
7. Favorite ice cream? - i absolutely dont know
8. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? - None :D
9. What’s your favorite beverage? - Coffee; with a lot of milk and sugar (+ice cream)
10. Do you cook? - not often but i love to


1. Had a relationship? - i still have
2. Bought something? - yes
3. Sang? - yeees
4. Been hugged? - yes
5. Felt stupid? - dont know, possible
6. Missed someone? - yes


1. Last Car ride? - an hour ago; to the support and back
2. Last Movie Seen - shelter
3. Last Song Played - bilder mit katze

07 März 2011

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Bijou Brigitte - ca. 6-7 €


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Wie gesagt, viel gekauft hab ich nicht. Genauer gesagt, ich habe nur einen Schmuckständer und Ohr-
ringe gekauft. Da ich aber nur einen Ohrring von dem Paar tragen will, habe ich aus dem anderen eine
Kette gemacht, die ich schon länger haben wollte.

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Ohrring(e) - Urban Outfitters 14,00€
Schmuckständer - Urban Outfitters 20,00€
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06 März 2011

Iiiich hab lange nichts gepostet; Verzeihung an dieser Stelle.
Gestern war ich in Hamburg, mit Marvin und da haben wir 
dann Jonas getroffen. Fotos sind nicht so richtig entstanden
und gekauft hab ich auch nichts groß. Aber das was ich ge-
kauft hab poste ich auf jeden Fall wenn ich Zeit hab. xxx